One of the fundamental ideals of any Green is the promotion of universal access to the basic necessities of life. Mobility is one of these, and so it is natural to advocate universal access to free or near-free public transport, paid for by taxes.
Although this would appear to be an extremist viewpoint, one that would win little support from the majority of people, there are indeed many who support it around the world. The latest vote in favour of free public transport comes from the people of Australia, who have participated in a poll on the issue, in the context of climate change.
Lowering greenhouse gases requires reduction in the use of personal vehicles. We need more trains, buses, trams and bicycles. The Greens Party Senator in Australia, Kerry Nettle reports that the majority of Australians are indeed in favour of free public transport funded by tax monies.

We in India need a carbon tax on private vehicles TODAY!
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